Holiday Open House

A holiday committee of Club members decorated the library at the Henry Knox Museum, celebrating their annual open house held on December 2 and 3. This very special event is always open to the public as a free community event with encouragement for donations pf non-perishable foods.

Inspired by Robert Frost’s poem, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” the design featured a display of natural materials to evoke a walk in the woods. Visitors during the Open House enjoyed the smell of cut fresh branches of balsam fir, white pine, and other conifers. Colorful red twig dogwood and silver birch, pinecones and other natural materials were donated by Club members who responsibly harvested them for use in the display.

Our Camden Garden Club elves creatively worked together, happily contributing their time and efforts to support our community with a living poem and efforts to support our community.